Kevin Raner
Melbourne, Victoria

I was born in Yorkshire in 1960 and then migrated to Adelaide, South Australia at the age of 4. After leaving University I worked as a research chemist and later moved into software engineering.
I was a long distance runner and ran the Adelaide marathon (1986) and the first 34 km of the NYC marathon (1987). I got too excited in NY and ran too fast at the start, oops. I'm also a keen skier and a glider (sailplane) pilot. These days I spend a lot of time on my road bike.
I'm Married and have a daughter, Amy, who was conceived naturally after 13 years of trying.
I'm now a 30+ year survivor and life is good.

Cancer Overview:

General Cancer Type: Lymphoma - Hodgkins

Specific Cancer Type:

Treatment Summary:
When I was 12 years old I noticed a swelling in my neck and had been having night sweats. The doctors diagnosed Hodgkins lymphoma. The staging was done with a laparotomy and splenectomy. I had radiation treatment to the chest and neck for 5 weeks. Two months later the cancer recurred and I started chemotherapy (nitrogen mustard/vin blastin/procarbazine/prednisone). I was on and off chemo for the next four years. After a year the nitrogen mustard was replaced with cyclophosphamide which I found much less nauseating. Treatment was discontinued when I was 16 years old.


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