Gardner Cohen
Bellevue, Washington

I'm a married (but only in parts of Canada) software engineer at a large internet retailer. I bicycled a lot in the 80s and 90s but burned out and gained a lot of weight. After my CLL diagnosis in 2001 I started Weight Watchers including stationary cycling, and moved to outdoor bicycling in 2003 while approaching my goal weight. The highlights of my recent biking: annual ride up Haleakala in Maui, Summit to Surf diabetes ride in Oregon, and the Ride for the Roses.

Cancer Overview:

General Cancer Type: Leukemia

Specific Cancer Type: CLL

Treatment Summary:
7 months tx Rituxan, Fludara, Cytoxan, 10/2001-5/2002, complete response. Stem cell harvest and storage for future autologous transplant, 10/2002. Relapse 01/2004. Now watching and waiting.


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