Art Flatau
Austin, Texas

I live in Austin Texas, with my wife Gretchen and kids Matt and Hannah, who are (as of 2005) both in high school. Matt graduates next spring (2006). I work as a computer scientist, now at a small start-up company doing verification of computer chips. Hobbies, no time for that. Among other things, I maintain a web site on leukemia, which is here: I ride whenever I can and try to ride to work (if there are showers) once or twice a week.

Cancer Overview:

General Cancer Type: Leukemia

Specific Cancer Type: Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Treatment Summary:
I was treated initial with chemotherapy in Austin. In January, 1993 I relapsed and in February, 1993 I had a bone marrow transplant, with my brother serving as the donor. I had a fairly easy time of it, compared to many, but have had some complications because of treatment. In 2003, I had a large (3 pound) lipoma (a benign fatty tumor) removed from the back of my leg. I was in the hospital on Ride for the Roses weekend.


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