Joshua Joaquin
Jaffrey, New Hampshire

Chiropractor, 37 years old 2 children Son 8, daughter 6. Started cycling last year, started with a cheap bike, and now 3 bikes later loving it.
"When You are on Purpose You are not alone"

Cancer Overview:

General Cancer Type: Thyroid

Specific Cancer Type: Poorly differentiated papillary, follicular, and hurthle cell varients.

Treatment Summary:
May 2003 total thyroidectomy to remove 8 1/2 cm tumor with some lymph nodes. Nodes came back positive. Modified radical neck dissection Oct 2003 removed 54 nodes on the right side of my neck. Had radioactive Iodine treatment Jan 04. Cancer was found to be iodine resistant. Life time hormone replacement. So far nothing shows up on my scans.


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