Darren Mullen
Wichita, Kansas

I'm a firefighter in Wichita with an 8-yr old daughter. I picked up cycling in 2003 after the passing of my wife. In 2004 I was fortunate to be chosen for the Bristol-Myers Squibb Tour of Hope National Team. The Tour of Hope was a springboard for my cycling hobby and I am planning on racing in the coming season.

My wife, Debra, was diagnosed with Stage III Invasive Ductile Cell Carcinoma in Sept 2001. She told me of her lump on 9-11-01. Over the next 2 years she participated in 3 clinical trials, including a Phase I trial at MD Anderson in Houston. Deb passed away on Aug 31,2003 at 35-yrs old.

Cancer Overview:

General Cancer Type: Caregiver

Specific Cancer Type: Wife - Breast Cancer: Invasive Ductile Cell Carcinoma-Stage III

Treatment Summary:
Deb had a bi-lateral mastectomy, chemo of ATC in Fall 01 to Spring 02
Recurred Fall 02 - chemo/radiation
Chemo - clincial trial - MD Anderson Spring/Summer 03


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