Phyllis O'Grady
Monument, Colorado

I am a "retired art director" (worked for CBS records designing album covers from 1975-82, then joined a joint venture with CBS and AT&T that evetually became the very first online service, Prodigy) formerly from NJ and worked in NY until my husband and I moved to Colorado because of the relocation of his office headquarters to Colorado in 1990. The folowing year, he relocated back east to Connecticut and now he's in Florida. We've done the back and forth deal since 1991! :o I have no children (by choice)...or pets. I love dogs too much to own one...I try to be on the go! I bike year round and ski in the winter. I workout in our home gym and occassionally am know to do some needle point.

Besides my encounter with cancer, I have Meniere's disease (vertigo)...which is mostly under control and have had two back surgeries for ruptured and fagmented disks...I'm a mess!!! :o

You wouldn't know any of this by looking at me... :)

Cancer Overview:

General Cancer Type: Breast

Specific Cancer Type: Stage one, ductile breast cancer, estrogen and progesterone receptor positve, herceptin negative

Treatment Summary:
I had two surgeries...lumpectomies. I was stage one with nothing in my lymph nodes. I had 35 radiation treatments along with shots of luepron (sp?) and am on arimidex.

PS. I found my cancer. Several docs, including one who was a breast disease specialist basically laughed at me. My cancer did not show up in my mammo. After a year of just watching it, I decided that I wanted that lump out. (I had seven previous benign lumps removed in the past.) When I awoke from surgery this time, I got the news. :(


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