Martha Jack, Ph.D.
Richland, Washington

My whole life has centered around bicycles. I am single and rode my bike to school for 22 years. Before I graduated from Lyons Township High School in LaGrange, Illinois, our family had taken 11 vacations to all 49 states (at the time) camping in National and State parks. Then I started racing at school in North Carolina. My undergraduate degree is in health and physical education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. I raced for 28 years and would have been in the Olympics in 68 and 72. While racing, I lived in Northbrook, Illinois, and taught elementary school physical education. My masters is in exercise physiology and thesis on the most efficient cycling revolution rate. It is from Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana and Ed Burke and I studied with Dr. Dave Costill. My Ph.D. is in biomechanics and dissertation is entitled "Distribution of Cycling-Induced Saddle Stresses." This is from Washington State University in Pullman, Washington. From my dissertation, I redesigned the saddle and now several new designs are on the market that are a direct result of my research. I have been consulted for their design and consider myself a world authority on saddle design. I have an additional degree in mechanical engineering, and for the research paper I designed and built a glass marimba. This is from Washington State University - TriCities branch campus here in Richland, Washington. I rode across the U.S. in 1976; Climbed Mt. Fuji in 1981; Have seen all states except Hawaii with my family and racing; Toured the Scioto River Valley in Ohio 3 years; Served as an official at the 1984 Olympic Games Cycling Trials and a course marshal at the 1996 Olympic Games. Retired from racing in 1984 after the inclusion of the first women's cycling event in the Olympic Games. Have a cycling topical stamp collection of 5 volumes and have designed a home in the shape of a bicycle. Am writing a book about being a pioneer woman cyclist. Will write a Bike Symphony after the book completion. Started a bike fitting service: Bismarck Ergonomic Design. Have the Jack Science Center named after our family at Bismarck State College in North Dakota. Have served on the Bicycle Advisory Committee to the WA State Department of Transportation. Now ride to the post office every day and influence others to ride their bike.

I play bass clarinet in several groups and formed a clarinet quartet, Cascade Clarinets. Am very active in my church on the property committee and choir. There is a bike rack under a street lamp in the front of Shalom UCC as 20 people ride their bikes in my church.

Cancer Overview:

General Cancer Type: Ovarian

Specific Cancer Type: Stage III, Epithelial

Treatment Summary:
Hysterectomy in 1995, 6 infusions of chemotherapy of taxol and carboplatin, 2nd look
Recurrence in 2000, laperatomy, 6 infusions of chemotherapy of taxol and
Genetically tested and have a mutation of the BRCA I gene
Recurrence in 2001


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