Bill Carson
Austin, Texas

I am 56 years old, happily married for 33 years and father of two. Cycling became a part of my life when my wife and I wanted to honor my brother by riding the MS 150. He died of MS at the age of 45. Since then, I have done many tours including the Rockies, Big Bend and the Pacific Coast. Living in Austin is a great place to be a cyclist. Little did I know how important cycling and the Ride for the Roses would become to me. I was diagnosed with leukemia (CLL)and kidney cancer. the CLL was actually a blessing - if any cancer can be called that - because without the CT scans for the leukemia the kidney cancer would not have been found at an early stage.

Cancer Overview:

General Cancer Type: Leukemia, Kidney

Specific Cancer Type: CLL stage 0, renal cell carcinoma stage 1

Treatment Summary:
CLL - wait and watch
Kidney - left nephrectomy 3/1/05


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