Jeff Brody
Santa Cruz, California

I'm a Dad of a hotter than a pistol 3.5 yr old little girl (6/06). Besides earning a living being a Software Project Mgr. in Silicon Valley, I ride mostly road, play guitar (mostly jazz) and mandolins (regular and octave -> too many styles to name), and try to keep the everpresent chaos at bay.

Cancer Overview:

General Cancer Type: Prostate

Specific Cancer Type: Agressive, but found early

Treatment Summary:
I did the Robotic Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy on May 4, 2006. The pathology came back clear and I await my first followup PSA (expected to flat line) on June 15. My doc way Peter Carroll at UCSF. He rides and has a big display of a UCSF cycling jersy signed by Lance and a photo of with Lance and the jersey adorning the waiting room wall. He is a true artist, a great human, a top notch surgeon, and a great guy to boot.
My dad died of metastatic prostate cancer when he was just 66 so needless to say, I was scared to death the first month or two past dx.


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