Susan Shank
Lake Bluff, Illinois


I am a divorced Mom of 4 children (ages 12, 14, 17 & 19). I work at Great Lakes Naval Base as a Management & Program Assistant for our command. I cycle, sea kayak, run, work circuit weights, xc ski (when there is snow), and enjoy reading and playing chess. Since my surgery last June, I have increased my cycling miles, ran a few 5k's, and generally tried to work on increasing my cardiovascular capacity. To date, my follow-up visits have been clear.

Cancer Overview:

General Cancer Type: Lung

Specific Cancer Type: Neuroendrocine Atypical Carcenoid

Treatment Summary:
After my diagnosis, I went through chemo. 1/05 - 3/05. I had a lobectomy (removal of the upper portion of my left lung). The lymph nodes taken from the bronch. were all clear. There had been a cancerous nodule removed from the area near my sternum (about 1cm) which was determined to ultimately have come from my lung. There had been a 1.4cm nodule in the lung which we had tracked with CT scans for several years. It only grew from 1cm to 1.4cm in that time. It was not determined that the nodule in the chest area had originated from the lung area until the surgery. In July, 2004 I had a month of radiation on the chest area. I never smoked.


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