The CCC is a group of cancer
survivors, their families and friends, that provide
support through sharing experiences about treatment,
life, and our other passions in life, high among
them cycling. Our members range in age from young
to old; focus on road riding, mountain biking,
and triathlons; range in cycling experience from
recreational to racer; and we've had a wide range
of cancers from the common to the rare. We pride
ourselves on our family like atmosphere; we share
our joyous moments along with our sad ones, finding
strength in each other. Join our peloton, jump
to the front to speak out, or just hang in, get
some support and encouragement, and enjoy the
Ride to live!
To learn more about us,
please take some time to browse around, read the
articles, about our members, and sign our Guestbook.
CCC contributions to be recognized by LAF - 06/16/2009 We were thrilled today to receive the word that the LAF will be naming conference room after Cyclists Combating Cancer:
The Lance Armstrong Foundation is very happy to announce that we will name one of our conference rooms here at our LAF Headquarters in Austin after the Cyclists Combating Cancer group. This naming is in recognition of the amazing dedication and support of this group over many years and in particular the over $1.3M raised since 2005.
We look forward to your continued support for many more years to come. ... We will work within LAF building design guidelines to create a space that serves as a permanent recognition of all that CCC has done to help in the fight against cancer.
Thanks so much for all you do, you truly LIVESTRONG!
- Phil Hills, Executive Vice President for Development
We can't express enough thanks to the LAF for this recognition. Our members, located literally around the world, have served as inspiration to so many since our inception in 1998, We've been honored to work with the LAF and other foundations and organizations in the fight against cancer.Superdrome Century - 644 Laps of Lunacy - 05/22/2009
Well - Will has done crazy things in the past (Leadville x 3, the California Death Ride, etc) Now he's going to do 100 miles at a local velodrome. As a part of a weekend of rides by CCCers literally world-wide, Will has 15 other similarly potentially unstable folks ready to make 2,476 left turns in Frisco Texas on May 30th. Support him by making a donation, or buying an event tee shirt. You can read about it all here: SupportLAF.com. Other rides include Steve Bartolucci doing a fixed gear century on the roads of Thousand Oaks, CA; Mark Knight will be riding his fixie on the 31st rather than his normal road bike in a local charity ride; Crawford in Scotland; Scott in New Zealand; Lil in France - and many others will all be riding to raise awareness, and to help fight cancer! Full story... LIVESTRONG Philly Report - 11/08/2006 Kenneth Youner shares the story of his ride in PA, and updates us on his treatment plans. Full story... Nine CCCers Selected for LIVESTRONG Day in DC! - 03/27/2006 They will represent the LAF as Advocates for LIVESTRONG day on May 17th in Washington, DC. They will meet with their Senators and Representatives to help share their stories of survivorship and... Full story... The Passing of Dr. Martha Jack - 02/20/2004 For those of you who have not received the recent letter about Martha...I'm sorry to have to tell you the latest. Dr. Martha Jack passed away on February 14th. There will be a memorial service on the 6th of March. Full story...
These are only our five most recent stories, the full list is here.