| LIVESTRONG Challenge - Austin, TX: Some photographs from the LIVESTRONG Austin event. |
 | LIVESTRONG Challenge Philadelphia - Sunday: Sunday brought Ride Day! 2600 participants (1500 cyclists and 1100 runners/walkers) made the event a great success! |
 | LIVESTRONG Challenge Philadelphia - Saturday: Saturday's activities included a ride from Valley Forge, lunch of Philly cheesesteak from Pudge's, a trip to the Village, and the pasta dinner. |
 | LIVESTRONG Challenge Philadelphia - Friday: Friday evening there was a meeting of the CCC at Houlihan's. |
 | 2006 LAF LIVESTRONG Gala - : Numerous CCCers were at the Gala this year. Here are some photos from the event. |
 | 2006 LAF LIVESTRONG Day - May 17, 2006: Photos from the trip to LIVESTRONG Day in Washington, DC. Day of arrival, training day, and LIVESTRONG Day. |
 | 2005 Ride for the Roses - Sunday: Ride Day! |
 | 2005 Ride for the Roses - Saturday: Saturday found CCCers out for another ride, at the expo, at a great dinner at Threadgills, and all around town. |
 | 2005 Ride for the Roses - Friday: Friday found CCCers at the Hyatt catching up, out for a ride, and out to celebrate their Peloton Project acievements! |
 | 2004 Ride for the Roses - Ride for the Roses: It is finally time to ride! |
 | 2004 Ride for the Roses - CCC Dinner at Mezzaluna: Saturday night, a large group of CCCers gathered at Mezzaluna for dinner, Davis Phinney was kind enough to join us. |
 | 2004 Ride for the Roses - Peloton Project Appreciation Dinner: Friday night's events out at "the dump" outside of Austin - really! |