Nine CCCers Selected for LIVESTRONG Day in DC!
Posted: 03/27/2006 by
It was great to learn that of the 100 advocates (two per state) the LAF selected to go to Washington DC to lobby congress, eight were CCCers, and another is a LAF staffer. They will all help impart the importance of increased advocacy, research, clinical trials, improved health care, and other issues to their Congressmen. By sharing their stories of survivorship, they will further the grassroots efforts of the LAF. The members (by last name) that were selected:
- Steve Bourke - Oklahoma
- Chris Brewer - LAF
- Scott Joy - New Hampshire
- Jerry Kelly - Alabama
- Eric Miller - Colorado
- Amy Molenda - Oklahoma
- Darren Mullen - Kansas
- Jim Owens - Minnesota
- Will Swetnam - Texas
Congratulations to them all, and to all who stepped up and submitted an application to be selected!
Safe journey to all, we know you will represent the survivorship community well!